Top CEH v12 Tools Covered in Ethical Hacking

CEH v12 Tools can help you understand how to improve cybersecurity measures to protect your online and offline resources and businesses against cyber threats that are continuously evolving while putting the resources at risk.

Sensitive data needs to be protected so that it can be available for authorized users on time. That’s because IT and cybersecurity work together to maintain CIA (confidentiality, integrity, and availability). What are we waiting for? Let’s start talking about CEH v12 tools and facts!

What are hacking tools?

Software or programs created specifically to take advantage of weaknesses in computer networks, applications, or systems are known as hacking tools. Tools for ethical hacking penetration testing and malicious software used by cybercriminals are only a couple of examples.

These technologies frequently automate processes like vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and attack execution. While malevolent actors employ these technologies for illegal access or data breaches, ethical hackers use them to bolster security.

Top CEH Tools For Ethical Hacking

Following are some of the amazing CEH v12 Tools that can help practitioners improve cybersecurity:

S.No. Reconnaissance and Footprinting Tools Performance
1. Recon-ng An open-source reconnaissance framework called Recon-ng automates the process of gathering data and creating footprints for ethical hacking.

To gather data from internet sources, it offers a modular architecture with numerous reconnaissance modules.

2. Angry IP Scanner Using the easy-to-use and quick open-source Angry IP Scanner, malicious hackers can find active hosts, their IP addresses, and open ports.

It has a graphical user interface, making it easy to use and appropriate for rapid network reconnaissance.

3. Traceroute NG With the use of a command-line tool called Traceroute NG (Next Generation), ethical hackers may track the path that packets traverse from their source to their destination.

Beyond the standard traceroute, it offers extra functionality and more comprehensive information about network nodes and any bottlenecks.

S.No. Scanning Tools Performance
1. Metasploit Using a range of scanning tools and exploits, Metasploit is a potent penetration testing framework that enables ethical hackers to find weaknesses in systems and assess their security.

It offers an extensive feature set for data collection, vulnerability analysis, and exploitation.

2. Nmap A popular open-source scanning tool called Nmap (Network Mapper) assists ethical hackers in locating hosts, open ports, and services that are operating on a network, giving them vital information for security evaluations.

Often used for basic host finding, port scanning, version identification, and other tasks, Nmap is well-known for its adaptability.

3. Nessus Popular vulnerability scanning tool Nessus helps ethical hackers evaluate the entire security posture by automating the process of finding security flaws in networks and systems.

It has a sizable database of known vulnerabilities and offers thorough reporting on problems found as well as suggestions for fixing them.

4. Nikto The goal of the open-source web server scanner Nikto is to find possible security holes and incorrect setups in web servers and online apps.

Ethical hackers frequently use it to carry out thorough scans for typical problems including out-of-date software, unsecured data, and possible security hazards on web servers.

S.No. Gaining Access Tools Performance
1. Aircrack-ng Ethical hackers mostly utilize the package of tools known as Aircrack-ng to analyze and capture packets to crack WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK keys.

It comes with tools like airmen-ng for wireless interface monitoring and aircrack-ng for password cracking.

2. L0phtcrack Using brute force, dictionary, and rainbow table assaults, ethical hackers evaluate the strength of passwords with L0phtcrack, a password auditing tool.

By tightening password policies, it helps enterprises improve their security by offering insights about password weaknesses.

3. Ophcrack Using rainbow tables, ethical hackers can conduct offline password-cracking attacks on Windows credentials with Ophcrack, an open-source password cracker.

With its user-friendly graphical interface, it is especially efficient in breaking LM hashes, making password audits a breeze.

4. Hashcat Hashcat is a useful tool for ethical hackers who are cracking passwords since it is a quick and efficient password recovery tool that supports a variety of algorithms and attack modes.

Tasks like dictionary attacks, brute-force attacks, and rule-based attacks on hashed passwords can all be handled by it effectively.

S.No. Maintaining Access Tools Performance
1. PoshC2 PoshC2 is an open-source post-exploitation framework that offers a variety of modules for activities such as data exfiltration and lateral movement and is used by ethical hackers to keep access to and control over compromised computers.

Because of its covert operation, ethical hackers are able to continuously control and engage with infiltrated surroundings.

2. Rootkits Hackers, even those with good intentions, might sustain unauthorized access to a system by hiding their activities and presence from conventional security measures by using malevolent tools called rootkits.

It might be difficult to find and eliminate these programs since they frequently alter system features and utilities to conceal their presence.

3. PowerSploit Ethical hackers use PowerSploit, a set of offensive PowerShell scripts, for post-exploitation activities like privilege escalation, lateral movement, and access maintenance.

It is intended to take advantage of PowerShell’s capabilities for offensive security objectives, stressing the significance of using it responsibly and ethically.

S.No. Clearing Tracks Tools Performance
1. Netcat Known as the “Swiss Army Knife of Networking,” Netcat is a multipurpose command-line program that ethical hackers use to hide their traces. They do this by rerouting network traffic, establishing backdoors, and controlling data streams while conducting post-exploitation operations.

Although Netcat has its usefulness, ethical hackers should use it with caution because of the potential for malicious exploitation of its potent capabilities.

2. Burp Suite Ethical hackers utilize Burp Suite, a popular online application security testing tool, to find and take advantage of vulnerabilities. By altering and manipulating HTTP requests and answers, Burp Suite also helps with evidence.

Burp Suite is a tool that ethical hackers use to identify, record, and resolve possible security vulnerabilities in web applications.

S.No. Other Miscellaneous Tools Performance
1. Wireshark Popular open-source packet analyzer Wireshark is used by ethical hackers for packet analysis, packet capture, and network troubleshooting. It offers insights into potential security concerns and traffic flow.

It makes it possible to thoroughly analyze network protocols and helps ethical hackers spot irregularities and possible security risks.

2. Msfvenom Ethical hackers utilize Msfvenom, a flexible tool in the Metasploit framework, to create unique payloads for different exploits and attacks, such as trojans or shellcodes.

It gives ethical hackers the ability to craft malicious payloads that are customized for particular scenarios, increasing the adaptability and efficiency of their penetration testing efforts.

3. THC Hydra Ethical hackers use THC Hydra, a password-cracking program, to launch dictionary and brute-force assaults on a variety of protocols, including HTTP, FTP, and SSH.

Because it can handle a variety of attack methods, ethical hackers who are conducting security audits to gauge the strength of user credentials may find it useful.

4. SQLMap Hackers with an ethical bent utilize SQLMap, an open-source penetration testing tool, to find and attack SQL injection vulnerabilities in online apps that are database-backed automatically.

It makes it easier to spot potential vulnerabilities, enabling ethical hackers to evaluate and protect databases from manipulation and illegal access.

CEH v12: Cyber Security Training Course

Suppose you want to learn more about CEH v12 In that case, you can get in contact with Bytecode Cyber Security, which offers knowledge & skills related to CEH v12 Tools & the techniques used in ethical hacking to protect sensitive data against online threats.

Moreover, you will get the chance to test your knowledge & skills on live machines via the virtual labs on the premises of Bytecode Security. With that, you will be able to get a certificate in several MNCs, ensuring your job security. What are you waiting for? Contact, Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

About Top CEH v12 Tools Covered In Ethical Hacking

1. What technology is used for ethical hacking?

A variety of technologies, including network scanners, penetration testing tools, and cybersecurity frameworks, are used by ethical hackers to find and fix security flaws in a regulated and approved way.

2. What are the 3 types of hackers?

Hackers are frequently categorized according to their goals and actions. Hackers fall into three primary categories:

  • White-hat hackers,
  • Black-hat hackers and
  • Grey Hat Hackers.

3. Which coding is used for ethical hacking?

Python’s adaptability, learnability, and abundance of libraries supporting network security and penetration testing make it a popular choice for ethical hacking.

4. How do hackers hack?

Hackers obtain unauthorized access to systems and networks through various methods, such as social engineering, phishing, malware, and software flaws.

5. What is a blue hat hacker?

An individual or group invited by a business to carry out security testing and identify vulnerabilities is known as a “blue hat hacker.” These hacks usually take place in a monitored and controlled setting.

6. What is an ethical hacker’s salary?

An ethical hacker in India may make between ₹5 lakh and ₹15 lakh annually, depending on the firm hiring them, their experience, and their skill set.

7. What do hackers use?

To take advantage of weaknesses in computer systems and networks, hackers employ a range of tools, such as social engineering strategies, specialized software for penetration testing, and programming languages like Python.

8. Who is the best ethical hacker?

Many people believe that Kevin Mitnick is the best ethical hacker in the world. Retired black-hat hacker Mitnick is well-known for his skill in breaking into and controlling computer networks.

9. Who is the king of the hackers?

Known as “The World’s Most Famous Hacker” by CNN, Fox News, and other prominent networks, Kevin Mitnick was once the most elusive cyber invader in history.

10. Who is the No. 1 ethical hacker in India?

Without a doubt, the best ethical hacker in India is Sunny Nehra, the creator of the cybersecurity company Secure Your Hacks.

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