OSCP vs CEH Paths to Cybersecurity Expertise

OSCP vs CEH are two of the most popular career opportunity programs in the IT sector that one can choose to start their career with a bright future in mind. Moreover, with a reputed institute, you will get the best learning experience under professionals.

For that, you can go through this article and see what’s the best career option for you to choose from. What are we waiting for? Let’s get straight to the topic!

What is the OSCP Exam?

The OSCP exam is a practical certification in penetration testing that evaluates hands-on skills in offensive security and ethical hacking.

To demonstrate their skill at locating and taking advantage of vulnerabilities, candidates must break into several machines in a specific lab setting and provide a detailed report. The OSCP certification, which is respected in the cybersecurity sector, is obtained upon successful completion.

What is the CEH Exam?

A certification that verifies a person’s proficiency in penetration testing and ethical hacking. It evaluates knowledge of hacking methods, security flaws, and defense strategies, with a focus on a moral and legal strategy for comprehending and thwarting cyber threats.

The internationally respected CEH certification is awarded upon successful completion in the cybersecurity industry.

Key Differences Between OSCP and CEH

S.No. Factors CEH OSCP
1. Exam Requirements Before taking the CEH test, students must finish an official EC-Council training program.

Candidates may choose an instructor-led or self-paced course, and they must finish the training before they can register for the test.

There is no pre-requisite training for the OSCP exam.

Without completing a specialized training program, candidates can take the exam straight away; however, it is strongly advised that they complete the companion course, “PWK” (Penetration Testing with Kali Linux).

2. Career Path A wider range of cybersecurity jobs, such as compliance, penetration testing, ethical hacking, and security analysis, are appropriate for CEH.

It is well-known across a range of sectors and can serve as a solid foundation for newcomers.

Offensive security and penetration testing are the main areas of concentration for OSCP.

It is highly recognized in the field of cybersecurity, and professionals who want to work in positions requiring strong offensive security abilities, such as penetration testers or red teamers, frequently pursue it.

3. Salary In India, Certified Ethical Hackers can command lucrative compensation; mid-level roles typically pay between INR 5 and 10 lakhs annually.

Experience, region, and industry-specific factors can all affect salary.

Professionals with OSCP certification, especially those with real-world experience, are frequently in great demand and can earn anywhere from INR 8 to INR 15 lakhs annually or more, depending on their experience, skill set, and employer.
4. Difficulty Level Compared to the OSCP, the CEH test is renowned for being more theoretical and less practical.

While it evaluates tool, technique, and methodology knowledge, it might not offer as much hands-on, real-world experience as OSCP.

OSCP is well known for its practical, hands-on approach.

To pass the exam, candidates must show that they can identify and take advantage of vulnerabilities by breaking into several machines in a lab setting.

OSCP is thought to be more difficult and calls for problem-solving abilities.

Benefits of OSCP and CEH

S.No. Factors Define Factors Define
1. Hands-On Experience To improve practical skills and expertise, OSCP offers in-depth hands-on training in real-world penetration testing scenarios. Comprehensive Knowledge The CEH offers a thorough grasp of security flaws, tools, and countermeasures by covering a wide range of ethical hacking-related topics.
2. Industry Recognition In the field of cybersecurity, the OSCP is well-respected and accepted by employers as a demanding certification that proves one’s aptitude for penetration testing and ethical hacking. Global Recognition Organizations all across the world respect and acknowledge CEH, making it a useful certification for cybersecurity professionals looking to work abroad.
3. Practical Knowledge The OSCP certification places a strong emphasis on practical expertise, guaranteeing that candidates can locate and exploit vulnerabilities with efficiency and produce thorough reports detailing their discoveries. Certified Ethical Hacker Status The CEH certification highlights the value of ethical behavior in the field of cybersecurity by signifying a dedication to ethical hacking techniques.
4. Career Advancement The OSCP is a useful tool for offensive security job growth because it is frequently required for higher employment in penetration testing and cybersecurity. Versatility Professionals can enhance their career adaptability by gaining skills from CEH that apply to a variety of cybersecurity tasks, such as risk assessment, security auditing, and penetration testing.

Who Should Take The OSCP?

  • Penetration Testers: Those who are employed as penetration testers or who aspire to be employed in this field can greatly benefit from OSCP since it offers practical experience in conducting ethical hacking and taking advantage of vulnerabilities.
  • Ethical Hackers: Through OSCP, those with an interest in network security, ethical hacking, and spotting possible security threats can hone their abilities and establish their credibility.
  • Security Professionals: The OSCP is a useful resource for security professionals who want to specialize in offensive security and penetration testing to progress their careers and acquire real-world experience.
  • Cybersecurity Enthusiasts: Even if they are not actively employed in the industry, people who are enthusiastic about cybersecurity can benefit from the OSCP since it provides an organized and practical learning route.
  • IT Professionals: The OSCP can help IT workers get the skills they need to go into cybersecurity, especially in areas that involve penetration testing and vulnerability assessment.
  • Network Administrators: Network administrators can improve their network security by learning about security from an offensive standpoint with the help of OSCP.
  • Red Teamers: With OSCP, professionals who participate in red teaming exercises—which imitate actual cyberattacks to test an organization’s defenses—can improve their skills.
  • Cybersecurity Students: Students interested in a career in cybersecurity can use OSCP to obtain real-world experience and boost their employability.

Who Should Take The CEH?

  • Security Professionals: For security professionals looking to certify in ethical hacking, penetration testing, and vulnerability assessment, CEH is a great option. This includes security analysts and engineers.
  • Ethical Hackers: Because CEH covers a wide range of issues connected to offensive security, it can be beneficial to those who are interested in pursuing a career as ethical hackers or penetration testers.
  • Network Administrators: With CEH, network administrators can acquire important knowledge and abilities that will help them recognize and resolve security flaws in their networks.
  • IT Managers and Directors: Because CEH offers a thorough grasp of hacking techniques and countermeasures, it is advantageous for IT managers and directors who are in charge of managing cybersecurity strategies.
  • Risk Management Professionals: Risk managers can make educated judgments by using CEH to understand the security threats and vulnerabilities that organizations face.
  • Cybersecurity Consultants: Cybersecurity consultants can further develop their skills by earning the CEH certification and proving that they are adept at ethical hacking techniques.
  • Security Auditors: CEH can be used by experts in security audits, compliance, and regulatory assessments to increase their understanding of cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Law Enforcement and Military Personnel: CEH can help anyone interested in cybersecurity careers in law enforcement or the military develop the necessary skills for identifying and thwarting cyber threats.
  • Cybersecurity Students: Students interested in earning a cybersecurity degree or certification can enroll in CEH to acquire a fundamental understanding and useful skills in ethical hacking.

OSCP Certification Cost In India

The cost of the OSCP certification exam for Offensive Security is $1,499, which also covers the cost of the PEN-200 course and 90-day lab access. Upon joining our university at any of our branches, you will be introduced to many resources where you can obtain combo deals that will ultimately help you stay within your course budget.

CEH Certification Cost in India

If you want to do the CEH Training and Certification from Bytecode Security, you can join it for ₹25,000 + 18% GST. You will get the support of the best trainers working in the IT Sector for years. Moreover, you will be able to get the facility of a Virtual Lab on the premises of Bytecode Security. What are you waiting for? Start learning!

Wrap Up

Joining any of the mentioned training and certification courses offered by reputed institutions will offer you the chance to grow professionally at a fast pace. Bytecode Security can offer you the mentioned training and certification program under the guidance of professionals working in the IT Sector for years.

After joining the course, you will also get the chance to test your knowledge & hone your skills via the virtual labs offered on the premises of Bytecode Security. Apart from that, Students will get a certificate from Bytecode Security that is valid in several MNCs around the world. What are you waiting for? Contact, Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

About OSCP vs CEH: Paths to Cybersecurity Expertise

1. Is CEH harder than OSCP?

Because OSCP requires applicants to effectively exploit real-world machines in a simulated environment, many people believe it to be more difficult than CEH. In contrast, CEH is more theoretical.

2. Which certification is better, CEH OSCP or CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)?

CISSP is a more general, management-focused certification appropriate for a variety of cybersecurity leadership roles, whereas CEH and OSCP are practical certifications for ethical hacking and penetration testing roles. The decision is based on career aspirations.

3. Can I do OSCP without CEH?

Yes, as OSCP has no prerequisites, you can pursue it without holding a CEH certification.

4. Is the CEH entry-level?

Although the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) credential is often regarded as foundational in ethical hacking, it is not necessarily entry-level due to its broad scope and suitability for different levels of cybersecurity experience.

5. What is the salary of OSCP?

An OSCP-certified professional’s annual compensation in India might vary significantly, based on experience, skill set, and company. It can reach up to INR 15 lakhs.

6. Is OSCP a hard exam?

Indeed, the practical, hands-on format of the OSCP exam—which requires students to exploit real-world equipment and exhibit advanced penetration testing skills—makes it regarded as hard.

7. Is OSCP a 48-hour exam?

No, the OSCP exam is a practical 24-hour test in which applicants have to successfully break into many machines in the allotted period.

8. Is OSCP worth it in India?

It is worthwhile to pursue OSCP in India because it is well-regarded in the cybersecurity field, offers useful skills, and improves career prospects for offensive security professions.

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