Top 20 Mobile Application Security Interview Questions and Answers

Top 20 Mobile Application Security Interview Questions and Answers

Many individuals who are interested in learning the fundamental concepts of mobile application security are attracted to the site by a variety of prominent factors, including the guidance of experienced training professionals with a wealth of classic work experience.  In this regard, candidates who have successfully acquired knowledge of the best practices for mobile application security and are prepared to evaluate their abilities during an interview should select this collection of exceptional Mobile Application Security Interview Questions and Answers, which has been compiled by Bytecode Security, the premier cybersecurity training institute in Delhi.

Bytecode Security has compiled these Mobile Application Security Interview Questions and Answers in this comprehensive article, drawing on the extensive experience of its trainers in instructing a wide range of students, including both novices and experienced professionals.

The following are the standard Mobile Application Security Interview Questions and Answers:

1: What is mobile application security?

Mobile application security is the process of safeguarding mobile applications from illegal access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or annihilation. Securing the app, the data it keeps and transfers, and the gadgets on which it operates are all included.

2: What are the common types of mobile attacks (e.g., Man-in-the-Middle, SQL Injection)?

Some common types of mobile attacks are as follows:

  • Man-in-the-Middle (MitM),
  • SQL Injection,
  • Insecure Direct Object References,
  • Insufficient Transport Layer Security (TLS), etc.

3: Explain the concept of reverse engineering and why it’s a concern for mobile app security.

Reverse engineering entails the disassembly of an application in order to comprehend its functionality. Although legitimate applications exist, attackers may exploit them to infiltrate malware, pilfer intellectual property, or identify vulnerabilities.

4: What are jailbreaking/rooting and how do they affect mobile app security?

Jailbreaking (iOS) and rooting (Android) circumvent manufacturer restrictions, granting users unrestricted access to their devices. This has the potential to:

  • Deactivate security features, rendering the device susceptible.
  • Permit the installation of applications that have not been approved and may contain malware.
  • Expand the assault surface for potential attackers.

5: Describe Mobile Device Management (MDM) and its role in mobile app security.

Organizations are able to enforce security policies and manage mobile devices with the assistance of MDM. It has the potential to:

  • Limit the installation of the application from sources that are not reliable.
  • Enforce encryption and secure passwords.
  • Remotely erase devices that have been compromised.

6: Explain Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) and its importance for mobile apps.

MTD surpasses MDM by continually monitoring mobile devices for threats in real-time. It has the potential to:

  • Identify malicious activity and malware within applications.
  • Identify data breaches and hazardous app behavior.
  • Prevent access to malicious content and fraudulent websites.

7: What is the OWASP Mobile Top 10 and why is it a reference for mobile app security?

The OWASP Mobile Top 10 is an indispensable resource for the security of mobile applications. Developers and security professionals are provided with a focused approach to securing mobile applications by listing the ten most critical mobile app security risks.


8: How do you secure sensitive data within a mobile application?

By following the below-mentioned best practices, I can genuinely secure the sensitive data within a mobile application:

  • Encryption,
  • Tokenization,
  • Secure Storage, etc.

9: Explain the importance of secure authentication and authorization in mobile apps.

Secure authentication and authorization are essential components of mobile app security, serving as gatekeepers to the data and functionality of your app. The following are the reasons they are essential:

  • Protects User Data,
  • Prevents Unauthorized Access,
  • Reduces Attack Surface,
  • Improves User Trust,
  • Compliance with Regulations, etc.

10: What are some techniques for code injection attacks, and how can they be prevented in mobile apps?

The objective of code injection attacks is to deceive a mobile application into executing malicious code instead of its intended code. The following are some prevalent methods and methods for preventing them:

  • SQL Injection,
  • OS Command Injection,
  • Server-Side Scripting Injection,

Preventing Code Injection in Mobile Apps:

  • Input Validation and Sanitization,
  • Parameterized Queries,
  • Escaping User Input,
  • Use Libraries for Risky Operations,
  • Regular Security Updates, etc.

11: How do you handle secure storage of user credentials on a mobile device?

By adopting the following best practices, I can genuinely handle secure storage of user credentials on a mobile device:

  • Hashing,
  • Keychain/KeyStore,
  • Avoid local storage, and many more.

12: Describe best practices for secure network communication in mobile apps.

The best practices for secure network communication in mobile apps are such as:

  • HTTPS: Encrypt data in transit by consistently employing HTTPS for all network communication.
  • Certificate Validation: Validate server certificates to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and guarantee secure connections.
  • Third-Party Libraries: Evaluate the security policies of any third-party libraries that are employed for networking purposes with great care.

13: What are some common mobile app security testing tools and techniques?

Some common mobile app security testing tools and techniques are such as:

  • Static Application Security Testing (SAST),
  • Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST),
  • Mobile Penetration Testing, and many more.

14: How would you approach security testing for an Android application?

Here’s a structured approach to security testing for an Android application:

  • Preparation and Planning:
    • Gather Information,
    • Define Scope,
    • Choose Tools,
      • Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools: DexGuard, Fortify on Mobile, etc.
      • Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) tools: MobiSec Scanner, Drozer, etc.
      • Mobile Penetration Testing Frameworks: OWASP ZAP, Metasploit, etc.
    • Static Code Analysis,
    • Dynamic Analysis and Mobile Network Testing,
    • Manual Penetration Testing,
    • Reporting and Remediation,

Additional Considerations for Android Security Testing:

  • Android Version Compatibility,
  • Third-Party Library Security,
  • Rooting Detection, etc.

15: How would your approach differ for testing a mobile app on iOS?

Although the fundamental principles of mobile app security testing are consistent, there are several significant distinctions in the methodology for testing an iOS application in comparison to an Android application. Here is an example of how your methodology may differ:

  • Tools and Frameworks:
    • Leverage Xcode and Apple-specific tools,
    • SAST tools,
    • DAST tools,
  • Device Availability and Testing Methods:
    • Limited Device Range,
    • Simulator vs Real Device Testing,
  • Security Features and APIs:
    • Focus on iOS-specific security features,
    • Test against iOS-specific vulnerabilities,
  • Jailbreak Detection:
    • Jailbreak detection might not be as crucial,
  • App Distribution and Testing:
    • TestFlight Integration, etc.

16: What are some strategies for mitigating insecure data storage vulnerabilities?

Some mainstream strategies for mitigating insecure data storage vulnerabilities are such as:

  • Encryption,
  • Tokenization,
  • Secure Storage Mechanisms,
  • Regular Data Removal,
  • Access Controls, etc.

17: Explain the concept of session management and its security implications in mobile apps.

The authenticated state of a user within an application is established and maintained by session management. It typically entails the generation of a session ID or token that recognizes the user during their active session.

Security Implications:

  • Session Hijacking,
  • Session Fixation,
  • Session Expiration, etc.

18: How can you identify and prevent insecure inter-app communication vulnerabilities?

I can identify and prevent insecure inter-app communication vulnerabilities by adopting the following methods:

  • Review Inter-App Communication Methods,
  • Data Validation,
  • Intent/URL Scheme Permissions,
  • Code Signing and Sandboxing, etc.

19: What are some steps to take after discovering a security vulnerability in a mobile application?

The main steps to take after discovering a security vulnerability in a mobile application are such as:

  • Assess Severity and Impact,
  • Develop a Remediation Plan,
  • Prioritize and Address,
  • Inform Stakeholders,
  • Patch and Re-test, etc.

20: How do you stay updated on the latest mobile app security threats and best practices?

By following the below-mentioned steps, I can stay updated on the latest mobile app security threats and best practices:

  • Security Resources,
  • Security Conferences and Training,
  • Vulnerability Databases,
  • Threat Intelligence Feeds,
  • Stay Informed About New Technologies, etc.


In a nutshell, we would like to emphasize that candidates who possess a positive attitude toward this trajectory should meticulously evaluate the Mobile Application Security Interview Questions and Answers provided above, which have been compiled by numerous proactive penetration testing professionals who hold a variety of positions in prestigious organizations worldwide.

Furthermore, individuals who are interested in enhancing their pentesting abilities or wish to begin anew may enroll in a remarkable Mobile Application Security Course offered by Bytecode Security, the premier cybersecurity training institute in India.  To schedule a demonstration session at our exceptional facilities in Delhi NCR’s Saket and Laxmi Nagar locations, please visit our official website or contact our 24-hour hotline at +91-9513805401 to speak with one of our knowledgeable study consultants.

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