Top Skills Needed for Computer Forensics Jobs

Bytecode security


Technical Aptitude

As the name implies, computer forensics jobs are technology-focused: you'll need to work across a variety of technologies, from computers to mobile devices and operating systems, to identify and respond to security breaches and network hacks.

As an investigator, you'll need to be detail-oriented in order to carefully sort through significant amounts of data to uncover and examine digital evidence. Thoroughness and a keen eye for detail are essential computer forensics skills.

Attention to Detail

An Understanding of Law and Criminal Investigation

Computer forensics is just as much about criminal investigation as it is about technology. You'll need to have a strong understanding of white-collar crime, criminal law, and criminal investigation - skills that can all be built through a degree in computer forensics.

Communication Skills

Analytical Skills

Comprehension of Cybersecurity Fundamentals

A Desire to Learn

R31/ 32, 2nd floor, Jandu Tower, Vikas marg, Shakarpur, New Delhi 110090

+ (91) - 951 380 5401