These are the popular tools used for wireless password cracking and network troubleshooting.
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Aircrack-ng is one of the most popular wireless Password Cracking tools that you can use for 802.11a/b/g WEP and WPA cracking.
Wifiphiser is a tool of WiFi Hacking designed to perform man-in-the-middle attacks by exploiting WiFi association.
Kismet is a wireless network sniffer that works for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, software-defined Radio (SDR), and other wireless protocols.
It is one of the WiFi Hacking Tools that is a network protocols analyzer.
InSSIDer is a popular WiFi scanner for Microsoft Windows and OS X operating systems.
It is one of the WiFi Hacking Tools that is a network protocols analyzer.
CoWPAtty is an automated dictionary attacks tool for WPA-PSK.
Air jack is a Wi-Fi 802.11 packet injection tool.